Monday, December 16, 2013

Christmas Tree Stand Re-Do

Tree skirts have never really worked in my favor.  I have never found one I am very fond of and if I wash them or accidentally spill water on them when watering our real Christmas tree, they just don't seem to ever be the same again.  

So this year I opted to find a galvanized bucket to hold our tree stand instead of opting for our usual tree skirt.  Gotta say, I'm pretty impressed.  I love the look in our home and it has been so much easier to deal with this year.  
-----> Want to steal the look?  Head to your local home improvement store and pick yourself up a bucket (be sure to measure your Christmas tree stand before you purchase).  You'll be glad you did.   


  1. What a great idea! I love how it looks and prevents water spills from the tree stand.

    1. Thanks Carla! We love it - and you're right - it works so well from preventing water spills on our hardwood floors! :)
