Saturday, December 14, 2013

52 Days/11 Days.

Blog friends, I am sorry.  I am not quite sure where these past 52 days have gone since I last blogged... and did I really miss the whole month of November?!  Yikes. 

But... it is nearly Christmas (11 days!) and we're ready.  I'm pretty sure of it, anyway.  We are hosting my side of the family at our home this year on Christmas day, so we have been pretty busy.  I plan on sharing some holiday/festive decor, DIY projects, our semi-finished kitchen cabinets (yes! but let's call it Stage #2 of an at least 3 stage project), "Elf on the Shelf" failures, and all sorts of holiday goodness in the next days before Christmas.  

And I'm thinking I'll also share a few posts I should have already published in blog-land back in October/November on Thursdays until I am up-to-date... consider them "Throwback Thursday" posts.  

Oh, and I'll probably throw in a few updates on the boys... can you believe Cole is nearly 18 months?! Blows my mind each and every day.  I took the above picture when we went hunting for our Christmas tree back on November 24th.  Such a big boy these days. 

Anyway, if you are still following my blog, thank you.  I look forward to seeing you around this site a little more often and hope to not be such a stranger around these parts anymore.  

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