Friday, July 26, 2013

Six (plus two).

Last weekend my in-laws' hosted their annual family reunion pool party.  We all had a good time and my mother-in-law really did it up right this year.  Homemade pizzas from a brick oven, delicious sides, plenty of drinks, and so very many yummy desserts... the pool... some live music.  It was pretty great.  

So of course, we had to be sure to get an updated photo of the cousins.  The last time all all of the kiddos were together in a photo, my in-laws only had four grand kids.  Now, they have six... with two on the way.

Pictured above, from left to right: Emma {2}, Mia {3}, Tatyana {2}, Cole {1}, Kingston {3}, and Brooklyn {4}.  Both sister-in-laws have little ones on the way, due in October and December.  The day after this party, we found out that the October baby will be another GIRL!

The cousins had such a good time together... Kingston and Cole can't wait until they see all of their girls again (hopefully very soon!).


  1. this is the most darling picture, what cute kids!! but i have to say i think in the first picture cole resembles your mom. :)

    1. oh thanks! :) getting a photo of all these squirmers proved to be a real chore! i'll have to let my mom know - we always think he looks so much like trev/trev's family!
