Sunday, June 2, 2013

2013 Junior Jog

This weekend Kingston and his cousins Brooklyn and Tatyana ran their 3rd annual Junior Jog, part of the Mason County Forest Festival.  They were pretty pumped up for the race and could not wait to get their medals.  

But, for the 2nd year in a row, Kingston decided to cry/scream the entire race.  Don't believe me?  Scroll back up to the picture of the hubs and him running in the race.  That's a sad/angry face, people.  After they crossed the finish line, the hubs talked to Kingston about the crying.  Apparently Kingston was a little overwhelmed by all of the kiddos racing.  Whoops - I guess we should have gotten to the race earlier than one minute prior to race time (mom/dad fail).

In the end, all was fine and everybody was happy... especially once the ring pops came out of my purse (candy cures all). 

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